Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Kite Runner

  • 1. Role of women-women didnt share much of a role. They were treated like jasbells/prostitutes. No respect. Covered up and not noticeable.
  • Betrayal-the entire book was full of betrayal. 1st Baba having a affair with Sanaubar, Ali's wife and conceiving Hassan. Sanaubar leaving her family. Ali and HAssan leaving AMir.
  • Brothers-brotherly bond between Hassan/Amir never knew they were brothers but had a strong friendship besides that.
  • Guilt-Amir hidden the guilt about what happened to Hassan. Baba hidden the truth that the two are actually brothers due to his own infidelity.
  • Redemption-Everybody had some type of redemption to redeem, but afterAmir learned of Hassan's son he had to go back for him and protect him for all Hassan had done for him.
  • Exodus-the "journey" that was taken was that of Amir and baba leaving to go for freedom. Also that of Amir going back for his own nephew.
  • Father and Son(Patriarchal Society)-Baba bonded more with Hassan than his own son. WHich turns out both are his. He swa more of himself in Hassan
  • Class distinction-The Hazara was below the Pashtun in class. One was a servent while the other was too grand.


  • Parallelism-Both Hassan and Amir were like Baba(their father). amir realized after his father funeral that he also carried the same characteristics of his father and so did Hassan with the strength, coordination and all.
  • Character Foils-Amir and Hassan. Cherished friendship but one didnt realize the true meaning until it was all over. Baba and Ali by living two totally different lifestyles but both did what they had too for their sons and on Baba hands Hassans.
  • Foreshadowing-Amir knowing that his father dyas were limited and anting him to be there for him and Sorays marriage. Hassan having surgery and baba paying for it that brought on more tragic and on seen events to unfold leading to the truth of the brothers.
  • Flashback-was set in th ebeginning in San Fransico by giving the kite to Hassan' son and thinking of the old days.
  • Positives and Negatives-The portryed both aspects. The sad ones came from the betrayal starting with Baba and Ali down to Amir and Hassan. Hassan dying and Sohrab trying to commit suicide and Baba dying. the positves were the brothers learnig the truth about each other. Amir getting married and going back for Hassan's son.

3.Settings- Eid(3 day celebration) The wintrer in which the kite tornument were held.

4. Minor characters- Sanuabar-Hassan's mother left after birth of son. Soraya-Amir's wife. Sohrab-Hassan' son whom Aimr went back for. Farzana-Hassan's wife. Give birth to two kids, one stillborn. Farid-cab driver in which Amir uses for transportation.

5. Symbols/Significance-Sling shot-Hassan'suses it to protect him and Amir. Kites-bond between Amir and hassan's which the book was based on. Breasts-the bond of brotherhood that symbolizes them being brothers. Snow-innocence. Rape-the loss of innocence of Hassan.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Just on Tuesday, me and my boyfriend went and seen the movie 2o12. Wow, was that a great movie. It really touched my heart and inner soul. Only you know who your higher power is and what is suppose to happene at the end of the world. Many people may have thought it was bais in some sort but to me I think it just gave it on own opinion on life after death or at least tragedy. I could not have imagined playing such an intense role. I cried at some points because just like in reality it is hard to see someone go especially before you. I am a witness to all that. Sometimes i wish there was a way that my family could just stay together an be alive and we all die at the same time. Of course, my GOd did not create us that way. It is something that we have to do one. It is just left up to the invidual to decide where the think or know they are going at judgement day. We will have an eternity to sit and think about it all. I know where I wanna go and want to be, and that is in HEAVEN with the rest of my family that has gone on before me.


It is so hard to find a job in today's economy. The government and wall street seems to think it has improveed greatly since Barack Obama has been in office but there is some work to be done especially for the little people of the world. I am definetely a witness. I lost my job back in July for stupidity. At that moment I didn't know it would be this hard to find a job and if I had a known I wouldn;t be in this situation. I was tired of the job anyways, but I shoukd have listened to my mother when she to ld me not to leave until I found something better. Why must my ego be so huge? I am struggling right now to keep money. Thank God for my kids father who has been a tremendous support system for me and my kids. If you have a job stick with and do not give up until there is something better knocking at the door. I have been so discouraged latel because I am ready for my break. Please someone answer my calls and applications!!


Oh My God!! What is going in societ today. I have not gotten the just of it yet. How can a mother put her on child on the chopping block to be killed? And how can a man look at a child that is too young to even be looked at in a sexual manner, do that to a child? NO one knows. I am a proud mother of two and it saddens my heart to hear people are actually capable of doing such things. I can not imagine losing either one of my kids to the hands of someone else other than God. I am so shocked. And it seems that either of the two suspects have any kind of remorse for the child. the community seems to be more concerned than they are. The mother is also pregnant on top of it all and she has a 7 yr old son. I mean C'mon man give me a break. If having children was too much too handle then why do it or why not give the kids to someone that will love and cherish them, like the child's father. It is so sad to see the father all torn up, since he has had the littl egirl since she was born and just as soon as the mother try and justify that she is ready to take care of her, she is dead. I cannot imagine all the "WHAT IFS" thats going through his mind on the day to day basis. Its so hard. People if you have children, please take care of them and cherish them like no other cause its someone out there wishing they had one or two.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Serial Killer

Recently in the news, a BLACK man, who is also a registered sex offender, hs been charged with murders of more than 14 women and counting. It has shocked america, because normally serial killers are white male typically mid-3os. I am so shocked at all this. It is so sad to the victims families that after filing mssing persons, they finally find them but not in the way the have hoped. Most of the women range form mid-2os on up. It is so sad to know that a human being could do that to another human being and then hide the bodies on top of all that. It has been a disatrous end to this year 2oo9. I am ready to see what 2010 holds for America. Now BA's are going to have to open the profiles up and start revising profiles of serial killers to include black males also. No matter what race or gender. No one has the right to take some1 elses lives in there own habds. As I watch him on television, he seem toshow no remorse about whats going, as if he don't care, like he was waiting for them to find im and all those bodies of womn in his home. You would have thought some one would have been noticed something suspicious going on in that house or at least heard screams, but too many poeple are worried about what other are going to think of them. It would not matter to me, just as long as I know I did what I was suppose to do.


For some reason this semester I have the most awesome professor I could ever imagined. One of which I had last semster, so I already know I she roll, but fo rthe other two the are so nice and helpful. My professors have really been a part of my success and helping me to want to stay in school. If it had not been for them been so accepting and supportive, I really do not know where I would be. I am looking forward to the last few weeks of this semester and hope that everything turn out right for me. I am hoping on all A's but if not I will take A's and B's, nothing less though. If I had a chance to do it all over again, I probably would with the same professors and all. When you have good professors like that in your corner, it motivates you to strive for the best. If they can come in and tak etime out to teach you, then you can give them the respect and acknowledgement they deserve. I am so grateful fo rmy professors. I think God allowed them to be picked@random so that I could have a properous semester. Thanks to all my Professors.

Baby Here!!!

On October 26th, 2009@8:45 a.m, after been in labor for 8 1/2 hours I FINALLY gave birth to my precious little boy, Carlos Griffin Jr.. It was a long 10 mths cause thats how long I acually carried him. He was 4 days overdue. The wanted to give me a c-section because I was going through so much carrying him at the end. For the whole 1o mths of carrying him, I didn't know what he was until birth. Everybody kept telling me that all the things I am going through it must be a little boy. I was so big and heavy. I thought he weighed a ton, but at my last ultrasound on October 6th he was only 5lbs12oz and the doctors was getting worrried because he was alittle to small to be fullterm. Thank God through praying and all he cam out to be 7lbs even. He was perfect weight and height. He was 6lbs15oz on the day we left but have since grown about 13lbs. He is healthy and I am too. I am so glad for this to be over, I can almost sry, whichI did. No more kinds for me. I can not do it no more. I am thankful for my blessings, my daughter and my son, I got my pair so now its just time to stay focused in school and make the most out of it so they can live better!!

Long time

Its been so long since I have been on here. I know I have alot of making up to do. Its my fault, I haven't even thought about coming on here. Its been so much going on in my life lately. At one point I had out school on the back burner, and wanted to just give up. I prayed about the situation and I asked God to keep me focused so that i can finish out this semester and have good grades. At this point in all three of my classes I have good grades, it just coming down to the end with finals and everything. I am praying for a successful conclusion to this semester. Sometimes I have allowed stressors to play a part in my thinking instead of just going off how I feel in my heart. I am so excited to be in school and I want to go ahead and finish and the degree I am longing for. I will be the first in this generation of my family to actually go to an accredited school and graduate, no technical schools or anything. A hard, but very good College. I am trying to stay more motivated in my life and try to let to many people bring me down.