Tuesday, September 15, 2009

1st Essay

Writing my first essay this semester seemed to some how give me a rush. I was more enthused about than I initially thought I would be. Right away, I knew what topic I wanted to write about and as soon as I sat down at the computer and started to type the words just started to form on the page. I tried to make frequent stops to make sure I was actually making sense instead of just typing. Little did I know I was making perfectly good sense and I it also sounded pretty good. I am guessing the reason for this is that the topic mean't so much to me that I actually had to share it. It was also part of my coping strategy. The more I actually talk about it, now write about it, it still heart but it also is a calming feeling that I get knowing that one more time I waas able to talk about it and express myself. Sometimes my paper are a little short on length, but this paper, to my surprise was three pages long.
After submitting my paper that is when the anxiety kicked in. I was not sure how people reading it on my bolg would look at it and appreciate it the same way I did or not. My biggest worries was from professor Aiken her self. Did she like it? Was she suppose to like it? How did it read to her? Where some of the questions going though my mind. I thought the worse and by the looks of my rough draft revision she put on there I was right. I still did not know whteher or not she like it or not. Maybe all the marks was not as bad as it looks. Maybe that long line drawn form one end to the next was just a mistake. Ha! Yeah right. It is okay though I am going to take what she wrote and try and make it better as much as possible. Now reading the other blogs were pretty cool. I did enjoy it. Seeing that I am not the only person that makes mistakes and really can not write as well as we may think. It is a good experience. It allows you to see what others thought of your essay and what you think of theirs and ultimately, what the PROFESSOR thinks about all the papers!!!

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