Thursday, November 19, 2009


It is so hard to find a job in today's economy. The government and wall street seems to think it has improveed greatly since Barack Obama has been in office but there is some work to be done especially for the little people of the world. I am definetely a witness. I lost my job back in July for stupidity. At that moment I didn't know it would be this hard to find a job and if I had a known I wouldn;t be in this situation. I was tired of the job anyways, but I shoukd have listened to my mother when she to ld me not to leave until I found something better. Why must my ego be so huge? I am struggling right now to keep money. Thank God for my kids father who has been a tremendous support system for me and my kids. If you have a job stick with and do not give up until there is something better knocking at the door. I have been so discouraged latel because I am ready for my break. Please someone answer my calls and applications!!

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